History & Geography Unit 1-5

History & Geography Unit 1-5

Grade Level:


Scope & Sequence:

Contemporary World Issues Geography, Washington State History (Local Tribe History)


To understand the fact that Native Americans were living and prospering in “Washington” long before it became a state. The students will be able to name innovations made by the Spokane Indians.


Students will be able to analyze the technology and ideas from the Spokane Tribe of Indians and how those ideas have impacted Washington.

Spokane Tribal Values

  • Tools and technology used the Spokane Indians


Teacher’s Vocabulary:

  • Technology: Spokane Tribe examples
  • Use the soft-cover book: Toolstone Geography of the Pacific Northwest, printed by Simon Fraser University, Dept. of Archaeology. B.C. Canada

Student’s Vocabulary:

  • Technology
  • Hoops & nets
  • Petrified Wood (Central WA and local areas)
  • Jade (Nephrite) – BC
  • Chert
  • Obsidian (Oregon, Vantage, Idaho)
  • Fish weir
  • Spears
  • Atl-atl
  • Baskets
  • Pestles/Ground stone
  • Mortars
  • Flint Knapping

Lesson Plan

The teacher will:

  • The teacher will discuss what the word “technology” means.
  • The teacher will ask the student to list technology that is used in their homes to make life easier.
  • The teacher will write the examples on the board.
  • The teacher will lead the discussion toward earlier history. (What types of technology did people use in 1850?)
  • The teacher will go back in time, Next, ask the students what (Type of technology did the Spokane Indians use?)
  • The students may not see the fact that the Spokane Indians use technology in their lives.
  • The teacher will ask a student to review the definition of technology. Write the definition on the board.
  • The teacher will write the list of technological Innovations used by the Spokane Indians.
  • The teacher will hand out blank paper that the students will fold/staple and make into a small book.
  • The teacher will direct the students to illustrate their book using the information about the technology used by the Spokane Indians. On each page the students will draw a picture of the item used by the Spokane’s. They will then explain what their picture is showing the reader. (visual, auditory, tactical learning)


  • K-W-L Chart


  • Create a power point presentation on the technology and innovations created and used by the Spokane Indians
  • Student create a video – This video should explain to the public how intelligent people of long ago were and how their ideas shaped our world today.

Materials Needed:

  • Pictures of spears and the different types of points and what they were used for.
  • Picture & video of a Atl-atl
  • Picture of fishing weir
  • Picture of Grinders/Pedestal and mortars


  • The students will take part in a class discussion on “What is Technology?” The students will understand that technology enhances one’s life. The students will be shown pictures of items used by the Spokane Indians that made their lives easier, technology.
  • Next, the students will be given blank paper to be folded into a small book.
  • The students will illustrate their book using the information about technology used by the Spokane Indians. On each page the students will draw a picture of the item used by the Spokane’s. They will then explain what the picture is showing the reader.
  • If possible: Attend the educational event “Bridges To The Past” in Kettle Falls, WA Website: www.bridgestothepast.org

Lesson PDF Download

Related Videos

Related Images

Community Resources

Lesson Assigned To:

  • Geography: 3.1.2, 3.2.2
  • History: 4.2.2, 4.2.3


Common Core Standards

CCSS.ELA-Literacy: RH 6-8.2, RH 6-8.7, RH 6-8.8

Spokane Tribal Standards

  • Preservation: Historical information
  • DNR: Historical photos to enhance lecture, flint spears, fishing weirs